Session 13
Wednesday, 25 September 2024 | 18:15-19:30 | Kursaal
The European Health Data Space (EHDS) is a huge investment in health systems by the European Union over the next ten years. It has an important role to play to give access to health data, unlock hidden information in that data and drive the development of Health AI, innovations in drug development, use, and medical technology.
The sharing of health data is based on trust between the European Commission, Member States, patients, and health organisations, as well as citizens and healthcare professionals. Building trust in and with the EHDS is essential to transforming healthcare systems. So what are the challenges and barriers to realising the EHDS, and how can we ensure its inclusive implementation? This session will discuss the key implementing acts, business models and intellectual property related issues, and the need for public consultation to win and retain trust in the secondary use of health data.